Scorpio is a sign well known for it's attributes of mystery and intense emotion with natives stereotyped as lusty but dangerous femme fatales and power-hungry tyrants alike. All of these aspects are true of the Scorpio archetype but I prefer to think of this sign as a deeply secretive and loyal archetype-- the true embodiment of the line "I'm not bad... I'm just drawn that way."
Read moreBeauty + Astrology : Libra
As the seventh sign of the zodiac in the air element and cardinal quality, Libra occurs in the Northern Hemisphere at the beginning of autumn. This is typically a time of the year where nature puts on its best show, dazzling us with bright colors and a heightened mood of drama and undeniable prettiness.
Read moreBeauty + Astrology : Virgo
The sixth sign of the zodiac and the harbinger of cooler temperatures and longer nights, Virgo is typically assigned a rather dull stereotype of being the sign coinciding with the end of summer and qualities of being deeply altruistic, analytical, and detail-oriented. I think it is more exciting to explore the subversive side of this sign because at the core, this sign is a crossroads of emotion and reason.
Read moreBeauty + Astrology : Leo
The astrological sign of the Sun, natives lit from within from the fire they contain... I know every Leo appreciates this description and in many ways it is true. When life does not provide excitement or grandeur, the Leo archetype generates their own electricity to make things more sparkly. Natives of this sign prefer to be adorned in luxury and exude glamour.
Read moreBeauty + Astrology : Cancer
First, I have to confess: for all of the obvious symbolism of the crab and the Moon, I believe Cancer is a misunderstood sign. Far beyond simply being a sign known for natives that abhor change, crave nostalgia (and sentimental possessions), and display an unrivaled sensitivity-- Cancer is a powerful sign.
Read moreBeauty + Astrology : Gemini
Editorial looks and everyday beauty inspired by the third sign of the zodiac, Gemini.
Read moreBeauty + Astrology : Taurus
Taurus is the cardinal Earth sign of the zodiac notably ruled by Venus, goddess of pleasure and the arts, and its natives are endowed with determination and passion.
Read moreBeauty + Astrology : Aries
Makeup inspired by the astrological sign Aries.
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